Does Prayer Make a Difference?
What Exactly Does Prayer Do? In a discussion with a friend recently, we began to discuss this topic. Does prayer make a difference? Prayer can definitely be a difficult concept to understand if you accept the tenets that God is all powerful, all knowing, all seeing, and everywhere all at once. Honestly, if one logically thinks it through, how can we even think for a moment that our mighty and perfect God would be affected by what we have to say to Him? One of my messages a while back on making godly decisions was about prayer (see Sermons link on right). First we must understand that prayer is simply a conversation with God. God wants us to pray so we can have a relationship with Him. He wants us to talk to Him, to listen to Him, and to tell Him what we need (See Philippians 4). Also in John 14:7-15 we see that whatever we ask for in the name of Jesus, He will do for us. Does this mean that I can get whatever I want from God? No, it means that if whatever I am asking for is t...